How to Become an Angular Pro Developer in 2022–11 Easy Steps to Follow.

Abdullah Mansoor
1 min readOct 5, 2022
Ng Pro

These are some of the most important things you should follow while working on the Angular apps, if you’re a Pro Developer.

  1. Create your new app starting with nx.
  2. Use strict mode and a very strict linter config (don’t forget to lint your styles too).
  3. Learn a state management tool.
  4. Write unit tests, and e2e tests.
  5. Script everything you have to do more than thrice.
  6. Services are for code that does things. HttpClient is only correct in a Service IMO.
  7. Never subscribe in your Service, always return the Observable.
  8. Components are to create new DOM and attach Service to it.
  9. Directives are to attach Services to existing DOM.
  10. Pipes are to do pure data transformations in your templates.
  11. Use Formly for any form more complicated than 3 fields, or just always.

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